Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plan Ahead!

The biggest issue I hear from my clients is that they don't
have time to eat right and exercise. Well, the key is to plan
ahead! My last post was a quick and easy way to get in a work
out during the work day. Today I am going to suggest you
plan ahead when it comes to your diet too. This may take a
bit of planning and preparing, but it is well worth the effort!
First of all, plan your meals each week. Write down what you
will be making for dinner each night and post it on the fridge.
Each evening as you are cleaning up the kitchen after dinner,
take out whatever you are having the next night out of the freezer.
Put it in the fridge so that it will be thawed for the next night. This
way you will never get home and say "Well...I was going to make
chicken for dinner, but it's still frozen! Guess we have to order out!"
No more!! Also, take a few minutes each night to pack a lunch bag.
Having healthy food options with you during the day will make
it much easier to follow a healthy lifestyle. Pack things such as
fruits, veggies, low fat string cheese, yogurt, whole grain crackers,
almonds, sandwiches on whole grain bread and water. Make
sure you pack enough food to enable you to eat lunch and a healthy
snack during your day. Even if you are just taking a shopping trip
to town, be prepared. Don't allow yourself to get hungry and
have to go through the drive-thru because you didn't bring any-
thing else with you. It may take some time to get used to packing
and preparing ahead, but soon it will become your new, healthy

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